The pool gets a deck

 I love the Our Generation Beach House. It looks adorable next to the American Girl Swimming Pool. So I decided to put the two things together. 

First I put the beach house on a rolling cart so that I could put it sideways and pull it out when I wanted to play with the inside.
I started with making a little dressing area in this nook, and then I slid the beach house in next to it.

Next I had to map out the pool area.

Then I built a deck out of foamboard. I covered it in brown duct tape.

Time to see if the pool fits!

Now it's time to cover up some of these gaps. The house looks nice, but the area on both sides of it look terrible.


Next, I wanted to put some beautiful bricks on it.

And then it was time to put a nice surround around the pool. I really wanted to utilize some of these mini brands plastic pieces so I used them as planters.

I also made some other plants to mix around.

I didn't get a great picture of the finished deck/plant area because that was about the time that I decided that I was probably going to end up moving it. I have plans in 2024 for a complete make-over of the entire dollhouse using metal Muscle Rack shelving and this pool area will be moving around.

I also wanted to try a new technique. I used toilet paper to paper mache a roof for the section next to the house. I didn't love how it turned out, but it was really cool to try out the technique.

Knowing that it was all going to end up moving, I'm still pretty happy with how it all turned out.


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