Shedville Academy 2024


While on Spring Break, Shedville Academy got a make over.
The classrooms got cleaned, they added a music/AV room, and they got an entire new gym where they eat lunch.
Here's the tour:

Those kids ran out of here so fast for Spring Break that they left behind a huge mess.

This locker got tucked behind the AV room.

This little area next to the lockers is getting set up for the upcoming Science Fair.

Then the AV room goes in front of all this.

Students are going to be able to vote for a class president when they return.

The Gym/ Cafeteria

The school just keeps growing and growing, but to save on space they set the gym up as a Cafeteria. It's a little messy right now, but it's still under constuction.

There's still boxes from the schools Toy & Book Donations over Christmas. The bottom shelf is a great place for kids that brought their lunches to store them. But it's gotten a little overloaded with snacks.
The basketball hoops also fold up, getting them out of the way.

The last day of school was TexMex Medley, and no one has cleaned up yet.

Tomato soup is a school favorite.

I have room for a couple of inches on the side of this piece, but it'll have to wait until Hubby puts up my shelf. I want to thank him for helping me with all of my dollhouse projects.

So this is some our little school rooms. These rooms are for students in 2nd grade- 8th. 


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