Back to School - Student IDs

Welcome to Back to School month!
Last year I made Student IDs for each of the students in Shedville. But last year I changed the name of the school from Wagstaff (after the school in my favorite show Bob's Burgers), to something more fitting, Shedville Academy.

This year I also got new soccer uniforms for my players and they're blue. Be sure to check out my soccer video on YouTube. It's the biggest project I did in 2023. So I decided the school mascot should be the Shedville Sharks.
This also made me order my football uniforms in blue to match. But I haven't had a moment to get pictures with the uniforms. Hint, hint: more on that in the future.
So basically I'm trying to get everything in blue to fit the theme. This also means that I'm selling anything I own that doesn't fit that theme, so if you're looking for sports clothes pm me on my Facebook page.
But I digress. This post is about students getting their new IDs.
Aren't they adorable! Each student gets one, along with a backpack and school supplies.

It's also a great time for students to pick up their school pictures their parents ordered.
Everyone here in Shedville is super excited and very prepared for school to start soon.


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